Qei Holdings will thus foster a range of enterprises over the next 5 years. The first of which is Qei Enterprises, a mixed manufacturing incubator. A 1000m2 factory has been identified for the incubator and this will become home, to local 5 entrepreneurs, who have been carefully selected to enter the Qei Enterprises incubation programme.
Qei Holdings was incorporated on 06/03/2015 under the Companies Act 71 of 2008 & Companies Amendment Bill 40 of 2010. A 51% stake of Qei Holdings Limited belongs to The Atlantis Dream Team as the nominated beneficiary. The rest of the shares will be held by investors, which currently includes Caban Investments.
Qei Holdings has in its fold, a range of commercial and industrial enterprises that will benefit the entrepreneurs and local economy of Atlantis.
In addition to providing funding to its subsidiaries:
- Qei Holdings will provide premises, services and mentorship to the enterprises it holds an interest in, the first enterprise is Qei Enterprises (Pty) Ltd.
- In exchange, Qei Holdings will acquire an 80% share of Qei Enterprises.
- A programme similar to the Caban Entrepreneurship Programme. They will also manage the relationship between the holding company and the NPO.
The venture will operate on a hybrid business model. The Atlantis Dream Team, a registered NPO, will conduct the communities’ social and environmental agenda, under the leadership of Maggie Vaas, while the holding company, Qei Holdings, will be responsible for commercialising economic opportunities, on behalf of the people of Atlantis. These range from Tourism to manufacturing.

The Atlantis Dream Team and Caban Investments Ltd.
Qei Holdings